Worship Theology
Join Dr. Jeremy Perigo and guest theologians, scholars, musicians, and Christian leaders as we bridge faith and ministry praxis. WorshipTheology is a podcast to fuel and nurture vital discussions on worship, music, and theology. Join us as we think deeply about Christian worship.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Dr. Tanya Riches, a researcher and Senior Lecturer at Hillsong College, joins us in unpacking the intersections of her ministry and scholarly work in mega churches, Pentecostal liturgical theology, and Aboriginal-led Australian congregation.
Don’t miss this stimulating discussion around branding worship, Pentecostal worship, Hillsong, navigating ethnography and theology, experiencing the Holy Spirit, cultural identity, vocation, and much more. The conversation wraps up by exploring ways to create hospitable spaces for those often left out of corporate worship spaces.

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Join Dr. Jeremy Perigo and Dr. Eric Sarwar, a missiologist, minister, and musical peacemaker, as they unpack Eric’s musical peacemaking ministry and his recent Ph.D. dissertation, “Psalms, Islam, and Salam: The Punjabi Psalter as Public Witness in Pakistan.”
Interfaith dialogue, worship, mission, musical genres in Pakistan, liturgical identities, the role of the Psalms, ethnomusicology, and peacemaking are just a few topics examined in this unique discussion.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Dr. Jeremy Perigo sits down with Dr. Lester Ruth to discuss the theological roots of the contemporary worship movement. Drawing from Ruth’s recent collaborative work with Dr. Swee Hong Lim titled A History of Contemporary Praise & Worship, this podcast unpacks two streams of theological and liturgical development in contemporary praise and worship.
Hear how theological and liturgical shifts over the last fifty years changed the face of Protestant worship.
Join the discussion as they unpack topics such as the presence of God, attractional worship, biblical theologies of worship, Davidic Worship, seeker-sensitive worship, audio production, fog machines, and the interplay of theology and worship.
This discussion was initially recorded in a worship arts class at Dordt University with students of Dr. Angela Perigo and includes some of their unique questions.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Dr. Jeremy Perigo and Dr. Simon Chan sit down to discuss Chan's book Liturgical Theology. Chan spans a unique space in his academic and pastoral work serving as an Assemblies of God minister and systematic theologian focusing on liturgical theology and spirituality.
Join this discussion as they delve into weaknesses of Evangelical and Charismatic theologies and practices of worship, drawing in insights from Reformed and liturgical streams.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Join Dr. Jeremy Perigo in this special conversation with Prof. Paul Mealor, one of the world’s most performed living composers. Paul’s Motet, Ubi caritas, was performed in front of 2.5 billion viewers at the Royal Wedding Ceremony of His Royal Highness Prince William and Catherine Middleton (now TRH The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge) at Westminster Abbey. His compositions have topped classical and pop charts and are utilized in numerous worship contexts.
Jeremy and Paul unpack numerous topics around composing for liturgical contexts and the integration of theology, music, and experience. Journey with them as they discuss highbrow v. lowbrow, music that preaches, transcendent experiences in music, and much more.

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Dr. Jeremy Perigo sits down with Dr. Constance Cherry to discuss her decades of church leadership, scholarly reflection, and university teaching. This episode focuses on the biblical foundations of Christian worship and the need to be intentional about the shape and structure of corporate worship.
Every church has a liturgy, even if leaders aren’t familiar with the term or react against the idea of a liturgy. You have a liturgy! You may just not be intentional about why you do what you do.
Hear conversation around Cherry’s book, The Worship Architect, including planning worship as an encounter with God, the calling of a pastoral musician, and how to lead in bringing change in local churches.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Recent discussion around theology and worship music often centers around getting lyrics more "theological" or getting the form or structure of worship "right." Dr. Nathan Myrick’s book Music for Others reveals that singing orthodox lyrics might not be enough. In this discussion, Dr. Jeremy Perigo sits down with Myrick to discuss the ethical issues in congregational worship song.
They cover a lot of ground, from the Christian punk of the 90s and 00s to how our worship music can form ethics towards restorative justice. Join this important discussion as they chat about how Christian worship music can fuel love and care for others.

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Join Dr. Jeremy Perigo as he sits down with Dr. Angela Perigo, Director of Faith Formation at Dordt University, to discuss how to recognize a divine call to create corporate services that engage all of God’s people in worship. Drawing from Angela’s recent doctoral worship that focuses on a Spirit-shaped ecclesiology, they unpack theological and liturgical issues involved in increasing engagement with children, women, and those who are differently abled.

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
In part two of this discussion, Jeremy Perigo and Graham Kendrick unpack various topics surrounding leading and planning worship, including the pastoral and theological demands of leadership, liturgical songs, public praise, spiritual warfare, trending songs, the local church, and much more. Graham finishes the discussion with well-tested words of wisdom for worship leaders. Join us for part two of this unique conversation with “the father of modern worship music.”

Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
From hymnbooks to transparencies and cathedrals to coffee shops, Graham Kendrick and Jeremy Perigo discuss the massive shifts in Christian worship in the UK over the past few decades.
The conversation quickly turns to the theology of congregational song. In addition to content, how does the form of the song help carry certain types of messages? What biblical themes are missing in worship songs? How do worship songs form us?
Join us for part one of this unique conversation with “the father of modern worship music.”

Rev. Dr. Jeremy Perigo
Jeremy was based in the Middle East for over six years catalyzing indigenous gatherings of worship and prayer and researching issues of worship and contextualization. He has a Doctorate of Worship Studies from the Institute of Worship Studies and is Professor of Theology and Worship Arts at Dordt University . He previously taught at London School of Theology for six years, where he was the head of theology, music, and worship department. In addition, he is a visiting lecturer at Regent University and Northern University. He is an accomplished saxophonist and travels internationally as a worship leader and speaker.